A change of crew and a final surf

Paul and I spent the day tracking down faults with the hydraulic furling system and a couple of other missions. Well, I did anyway, Paul kept up gamely for a couple of hours then retired to his cabin to sleep off the previous evening’s excesses. With the various faults locked down we treated ourselves to a little hair of the dog and some dinner until Mike and Rob arrived from the airport. The boys took off in the morning to find some provisions while I waited for Mustak, the fridge engineer. Rob found some chilli for sale. In typical fashion he decided it would be best if he tried one first. The vendor’s look says it all. After the boys were back we headed out to see what was on offer at Cloudbreak. In a contrast to our previous visit, a strong sou’ easter was blowing, cross shore to the waves. The kite surfers were out and it looked pretty bleak, so we headed out to the now-familiar Musket Cove marina to introduce the newcomers to the siren-like charms of the barefoot bar. Th...